
Former Yokota family residence


3.7 (52)

Japan, 〒381-1231 Nagano, Matsushiromachi, 松代1434−1


clockOpening hours

Mondays: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Tuesdays: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Wednesdays: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Thursdays: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Fridays: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Saturdays: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Sundays: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM


52 review(s)

友田一弥 11 months ago

The Yokota family was a mid-ranking samurai of the Matsushiro clan with a height of 150 koku, and served as the district magistrate and official servant.They were given a mansion with a frontage of 22 rooms, and many buildings from the Edo period still remain within the mansion. This is one of the most representative samurai residences in Matsushiro, where you can get a glimpse of the life of middle-class samurai at the time. The former main house of the Yokota family was built in 1794, and is a two-story wooden building with a hipped roof and thatched roof, 17.2 m of girder, and 9.5 m of beam spacing. The interior has the formality of a middle-class samurai residence, including an entrance with a ceremony stand and a guest room.The front gate was built in 1893, and has a girder line of 16.4 meters and a beam spacing of 3.7 meters. The main walls are made of large walls, the gable side is made of solid walls, the walls are troweled with mud, the waist walls are paneled, and the front has a samurai window. The retirement house was built in 1820, and has a hipped roof with a thatched roof, 7.7m in rows, and 4.6m between beams.The north protrusion has 5.4m in rows and 2.7m in beams. The storehouse was built in the latter half of the Edo period.It is a two-story storehouse, gabled, with tiled roof, 5.5m in rows, 4.5m in beam spacing, and the outer walls are troweled earthen walls. The former Yokota family residence (main house, front gate, retirement house, and storehouse) was designated as a nationally designated important cultural property in 1986 due to its extremely valuable characteristics as a typical Matsushiro samurai residence in terms of layout and floor plan. ing.


masamasa ban a year ago

I came here for Matsushiro's Doll's Festival (until April 3rd). One of the remaining samurai residences in Matsushiro, it has been preserved and restored by Nagano City and is open to the public, and is an important cultural property of the country. Admission fee is ¥400 alone, but discounts are available when combining with other cultural facilities. There was a parking lot for 7 to 8 cars in front of the facility.


ホタカ・東京 a year ago

This is the samurai residence of an intermediate samurai who was a feudal retainer with a stipend of 150 koku and served as a district magistrate. There are five buildings that are believed to have been built in the early to mid-1800s: the main house, front gate, retirement house, and storehouse (two buildings), and the characteristics of the houses of middle-class samurai of the past have been well preserved. In 1986 (Showa 61), it was designated as a national important cultural property. The Yokota family includes Hidei Wada, who worked as a factory girl at the Tomioka Silk Mill when it was first established and is known for the famous "Tomioka Diary" that records the situation at the mill, as well as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, It has produced many talented people, including the Minister of Railways.


やまもとなおひろ a year ago

Built in the early to mid-1800s, Matsushiro's mid-class samurai residence was designated as a national important cultural property in 1986 and 1986. You can feel the lifestyle of the Edo period, with thatched roofs, gardens, and the ruins of a 300-tsubo field in the Meiji and Taisho eras. , Showa era, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Minister of Railways, Admission fee: 400 yen, Management: Nagano City,


ZEUS GOD WORLD a year ago

This is a samurai residence with a beautiful thatched roof that is designated as an important cultural property of the country. This is a samurai residence for mid-level samurai who served as county magistrates and official servants of the Matsushiro domain. Rokutaka 150 koku. The mansion has a nagaya gate, a two-story main building, a retirement residence, and a storehouse, making it a samurai residence that has remained in perfect shape since the Edo period. In addition, the Yokota family has produced many talented individuals, including the President of the Grand Inquiry (currently known as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court), the current Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and the Minister of Railways (currently the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism). ・County magistrate: A position that manages farmers, collects taxes, and handles lawsuits. In the Edo Shogunate, the same thing was done with the magistrates under the Kankaku Bugyo. The Edo Shogunate's Tenryo, or directly controlled territory, was the Magistrate. The various domains are called Gunbugyo or Gundai. ・Omote Goyonin: A position that conveys the lord's errands throughout the household on behalf of the lord, and assists the lord with general affairs. The Edo shogunate also held the position of side servants, who had tremendous power, but front servants in various domains had no power. access From Nagano Station bus rotary stop 3, take the Alpico Kotsu bus bound for Matsushiro High School via Kawanakajima Battlefield Stop, and it is a 3-minute walk from Kimachi Stop.