
Iseyama Kotaijingu


4.3 (3605)

Japan, 〒220-0031 神奈川県横浜市西区宮崎町64

Meiji-era Shinto shrine complex & popular wedding venue, accessed by steep steps.

hourglassWaktu rencana perjalanan: 00h20m

phone+81 45-241-1122
Di luar
Siang hari
Candi Kuil

clockJam buka

Senin: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Selasa: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Rabu: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Kamis: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Jumat: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Sabtu: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

Minggu: 9:00 AM – 7:00 PM

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3605 daftar evaluasi

Tan Kian Boon 2 weeks ago

Nice serene temple in a Sunday morning


Ben Hsu 2 months ago

Iseyama Kotaijingu Shrine [Iseyamakōtai-jingū] in Yokohama was moved in 1870 AD to current site because local government had concerned that Yokohama residents might be affected by accelerated modernization and gradual influx of the Western business and culture and, thus, wanted to have traditional Shinto Shrine as the cohesion focus for Japanese traditions. The Shrine was damaged in 1923 Kanto Earthquake and fire and then rebuilt in 1928. Iseyama Kotaijingu Shrine, in 2003, was declared bankruptcy by Yokohama Court, and it is the first Shinto Shrine to be bankrupt in Japanese history. Setting aside of its history, the Shrine has two very elegant and attractive wooden Torii gates in original color, and well-paved and maintained stone-steps. It was believed that the torii logs of the First Torii Gate were imported from Taiwan. While Shinto Shrine's worship hall was burned down in Kanto Earthquake, the Torii Gates were miraculously survived from the earthquake and fire. The Shrine is one of a few Shrines in Yokohama for young children to celebrate their 753 growth and well-being ceremony. The Shrine is free of entrance fee.


Annie Sobol 2 years ago

Perched peacefully on a hilltop overlooking Yokohama’s modern Minato Mirai district is this impressive Shrine - its large size is almost invisible from the road. Despite this shrine's traditional appearance, it will probably come as a surprise to learn that it was only built as recently as 1870. One of Iseyama Kotai’s key points is the fact that its real beauty can only be seen by those who enter the shrine.


RTrev3 4 years ago

A beautiful hilltop shrine to visit and explore. The shrine complex is pretty big with multiple entrances and there are a lot of stairs but it is very nice. There are multiple monuments to see and and the shrine is big as well. It is peaceful and relaxing to enjoy the nice views.


Shan Baker 5 years ago

A nice place for a walk and not crowded at all in November. Yokohama has a fairly limited amount of Shrines compared to its neighbors. However there are a few that are worth the time. This is one of the those. It is located close to Minato Mirai and has several smaller shrines leading up to it. Main Shrine is small but the buildings are immaculate and well built. They have some Omamori that are quite unique if you need some luck and enjoy the beauty of Japanese charms. This is an active Shrine that should have staff in traditional clothing most of the time. It will take less than an hour so a great place for a short break.