
Bansenso (former Matsui family residence)


4.5 (65)

317 Yunoki, Ozu, Ehime 795-0011, Japan

Denzaburo and Kunigoro, the Matsui brothers, left their native Ozu in the onset of 20th century for the Philippines, where they made fortune as traders & shopkeepers. Perched on a steep incline, this summer residence was envisioned by Denzaburo under the influence of Spanish colonial architecture, ubiquitous in Manila or Davao, where they had established their businesses.

hourglassMasa jadual perjalanan: 00h30m

phone+81 893-23-9156
Siang hari

clockWaktu pembukaan

Isnin: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Selasa: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Rabu: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Khamis: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Jumaat: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Sabtu: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Ahad: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

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65 senarai penilaian

Giro Wagner 2 months ago

It's a wonderful mansion. The interior was clean and the garden was nicely decorated, and the guide's explanation helped me understand the history and structure of the mansion. It's quiet so it's great for a relaxing stay.


Barry Knight 2 months ago

Another magnificent old building with a lovely garden. I definitely could imagine myself living there and having a few drinks in the garden or the terrace. Even if you decline the full tour, I highly recommend you get them to show you the well at the back. It's really surprisingly interesting. I recommend buying the tickets for all three places as long as you have around 3 hours.


鯰男 3 months ago

This is the home of the Matsui family, which was successful in its business in the Philippines. There are elegant chairs scattered throughout the room, allowing you to take a break in a luxurious space. The highlight is the rare horizontal well. You can't see it without being guided by a staff member, but the well water facility that flows from a side hole about 50 meters in length is a sight to behold. Iwasenso was named after this well. There is also a separate Filipino-style building, and the storehouse also has modern bags and local materials. On the day I visited, a wedding photo shoot was being taken. It is a highly recommended tourist spot.


Cole Sullivan 4 months ago

The building and garden are both gorgeous and the staff was very kind to share a few of the villa's secrets. I thought this was the most interesting of the main three area attractions.


Gane sha a year ago

A quiet old house (over 100 years) of Japanese business persons. The tour guide was excellent!