
Xin chào, tên tôi là Kanae!

Một số thông tin đã được dịch tự động.

Hello! I am Kanae, a nationally licensed guide. While working full-time as a lecturer at a local university in Kyoto, I have also been guiding for two years. Born and raised in Kyoto, I am excited to share the beauty and culture of my hometown with my customers. Kyoto is an enchanting city, and even as a local, I am continually fascinated by its many charming spots. Whether it's the serene temples, vibrant markets, or hidden gems, there is always something new to explore and appreciate in this wonderful city. Also, since my home is close to Shiga Prefecture, I am very familiar with the area. While Shiga may not be as popular as Kyoto, it offers a wealth of attractions for tourists. From historical sites such as temples and shrines to the stunning natural beauty of Lake Biwa, the largest lake in Japan, there is much to see and do. I am passionate about promoting Shiga and sharing its unique charm with visitors.


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Kanae Ohashi


Ngày đăng kí 05/2024

  • 日本語日本語
  • EnglishEnglish
loginTối đa 6 người/chuyến tham quan


  • half¥26,000
  • full¥34,000

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